Do you have a particular life obstacle you’re trying to overcome? Maybe you’re unsure about what is happening, how you're feeling, or even if you need therapy. Perhaps you're feeling anxious, sad, angry, or confused, and it seems too much to face alone. Having these feelings and emotions can be a natural consequence of everyday life; but sometimes they become very overwhelming and all perspective about how to move forward is lost. Initiating steps to make a change can seem risky, uncertain, or even pointless if you're feeling doubtful that there is a way out. Seeking help from an experienced professional can be a courageous step towards improving and enriching your life. I provide a warm, safe, and non-judgmental space to help you explore whatever is troubling you.
"When inward tenderness finds that secret hurt. Pain itself will crack the rock and Ah! Let the Soul Emerge"
What to Expect
My intention is to help you create self-understanding, and encourage you to develop skills that manage your thoughts, emotions, trauma, behaviours, and life situations. Therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the client and therapist alike. My integrative approach is therapeutically adaptive to your individual needs and empowers you to develop trust and confidence in your own inner guidance.
Feelings and intuition are the language of the soul, and learning how to listen to them will allow you to connect to your soul. Why is this important? Because your soul knows your true passion and desire. Rational thoughts may tell you what is, and what is not possible, but they are a source of limitation and therefore do not embrace the totality of your reality. A dominant thought-based approach to problems is often what creates confusion and frustration due to a disconnect from the natural flow of feelings. When you allow this flow through surrender and acceptance, it is possible to access a deep inner knowing that is beyond rational reasoning. From this state of being you are more aware of the emotional reaction that is rising to the surface, which when explored reveals what needs to be healed. Trying to solve painful emotions through thought alone simply will not work if you are looking for lasting results. I can help you recognise, embrace, and just be with your feelings and emotions. You will then become more connected to your soul, and thoughts can become a source of support to the natural flow of intuition and feelings, no longer creating a block.
I have developed a strong focus upon the stress response since this disrupts our ability to truly feel. This response often activates symptoms of trauma, PTSD, panic, anxiety, overwhelm, depression; including feelings of shame, anger, and low self-esteem. I provide techniques and expertise that help you regulate your nervous system, and connect with your intuition and heart space; which when accessed promotes balance, disables the chronic stress response, and ultimately creates more hope and clarity. Lasting change is possible when gradually implemented and reinforced by an empathic and accepting connection with a therapist. My philosophy towards life is transpersonal and spiritual, which is ultimately about inclusivity, expansion, and acceptance. I do not subscribe to any particular belief system and exist open-minded to all. This is an invitation to begin exploring feelings of sadness, fear, confusion, and pain that may be blocking your full potential. Any change, no matter how big or small, is a worthwhile step towards a healthier and happier life.
"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Services I Offer
Since 2009, I have worked in non-profit organisations, private practice clinics, community mental health (inpatient and outpatient), and higher education. My experience includes working with:
* anxiety * depression * trauma and PTSD * diagnosed mental health conditions * grief and loss * relationship and family difficulties * transitions * diversity * low self-esteem * self-actualisation * existential crises * dark night of the soul
All psychotherapy sessions are currently being conducted online in the U.K. via Zoom. The cost per 50 minute (clinical hour) session is £65. Concessionary and reduced rates are offered depending on financial circumstances.